Monday, February 22, 2010

Sleep, eat, grrrrrr!

I can't stop sleeping. I get up for a few hours, run some errands and it hits me like Chris Brown. As a matter of fact i'm yawning right now. 12:23 in the freaking afternoon. I bought a book called "Skinny Bitch, Bun in The Oven" and it's full of helpful diet tips to do ward off sleepiness and eating healthy for a healthy crumbsnatcher. I've already gotten through the first 3 chapters. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to finish it :/

I can't stop eating. Who craves 3 course steak meals at 10:00 am? I DO! I DO!...I just had a hot dog (kosher, oranges, and some water. Oh, and i'm about to eat some butter pecan icecream. YUM ;) Yea, I know that isn't the greatest diet for a preggo lady but I plan to drink more water and eat more fruits & veggies, and cut down on my sugar intake. Hear that baby?!? No more bite sized Milky Ways :*(

Grrrrr! ;(..My fuse is shorter than Gary Coleman at a basketball game. I get aggravated, irritated, frustrated, and some other -ated's you can figure out yourself. Before the baby I was the most sweetest, angelic, and lovely darling. Isn't that right Seaniepoo? :)

Hold on.......

NY & Co. just called me to come in and spend some random coupon I supposedly have. Since when do they call people to come spend $$$?? Get a life lady! Ok, I didn't say that. Instead I put on my sweetest voice and kindly told her 'No Thank You'...See that wasn't so hard. WooSah!

Ok, let me finish up my icecream and read my book. I'll update later friends.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Due Date

Today Keshia and I had our first pre-natal appointment. The patients that sat beside us as we waited were a mix of loud and boisterous and quiet and Mexican. Keshia and I discussed if I should go in the room or not when she met with the doctor. Being the hyper vigilant father-to-be that I am, I urged her to let me stay. Being nosy, I saw that the nurse brought in the wrong patient's chart. I secretly wondered if Keshia had an alias. I mentioned it to the nurse and she promised to get the correct chart.

With the right chart in her hand, the nurse practitioner was a young black lady who seemed friendly. When the questions the doctor asked reached a certain level, I learned that even fiancées have limits. I sat outside waiting with other young men that looked as nervous and curious as I was.

We were told that the due date is October 11, 2010. Keshia has a prescription for pre-natal pills. We will try to regularly update you on what is going on.